DALL-E vs Midjourney: An In-Depth Comparison of AI Image Generators

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Deciding whether to go with DALL-E 3 or Midjourney for your artificial intelligence (AI) art creations can seem like standing at a crossroads. After thoroughly exploring both platforms—each powered by training on billions of text-image pairs—I’ve discovered some insights to help untangle this web of confusion.

In this piece, I dive into their features, user-friendliness, image quality, and beyond to steer you toward the AI art generator that meets your needs like a glove.

DALL-E 3 vs Midjourney [Key Takeaways]

  • DALL-E creates detailed and realistic images from text-to-image prompts, works well with other Microsoft tools, and is great for beginners. However, sometimes it misses details and has pricing that might not fit every budget.
  • Midjourney offers a broad range of editing tools and excels at creating unique artistic styles. It integrates well with different apps but has a steeper learning curve due to its Discord-based interface.
  • Both AI image generators transform text into visuals, with DALL-E known for user-friendliness and Midjourney for deep customization
  • Pricing plans vary: DALL-E ties into OpenAI’s ChatGPT Plus subscription at $20/month, while Midjourney starts at $10/month.
  • When comparing ease of use, image quality, and pricing between DALL-E and Midjourney, users should consider their technical comfort level, project needs for realism or artistry, and budget constraints when choosing their image creator.
  • Both AI models can be used commercially through Zapier integration, which connects them with over 6,000 other apps, including Salesforce and Marketo. This opens up possibilities for automated marketing material design or product development without constant manual input.

Understanding AI Image Generators

AI image generators, as part of the suite of generative AI tools such as DALL-E and Midjourney, turn your words into pictures. They’re smart tools that take a text prompt from you and conjure up a photo or artwork.

What is DALL-E?


DALL-E is trained to draw or create images just from the written instructions you give it. Imagine writing “a two-headed turtle eating spaghetti in space.” DALL-E whips up exactly that image. It learns this incredible skill by studying millions of pictures and the words that describe them. The coolest part? This tech gets better over time, understanding more complex ideas.

This genius AI uses something called a diffusion process to turn your words into stunning visuals. I’ve used DALL-E 3, and it takes simple text prompts and turns them into artwork or photorealistic images. Plus, connecting it with Zapier for automation opens up endless possibilities. You can have DALL-E create images based on different inputs and then send those creations straight to other apps automatically.

What is Midjourney?

What is Midjourney

The Midjourney powerhouse has taken the AI art world by storm, hailed as the most powerful image generator available to date. For those looking for depth and control, it stands out with its wide range of parameters, letting us tweak and fine-tune images to perfection.

Midjourney isn’t just about generating art. It’s an entire toolkit for creativity. With features designed for upscaling, varying, and modifying images, the platform gives artists and hobbyists unparalleled freedom. Whether tweaking a sunset to match your vision or crafting intricate landscapes from scratch, Midjourney translates ideas into stunning visuals with ease.

DALL-E vs. Midjourney: General Overview

DALL-E 3 and Midjourney stand out as trailblazers in the space of AI image generators, creating some of the best AI art out there. They both boast the remarkable ability to turn even the faintest textual whispers into high-quality images.

Yet, they offer contrasting experiences when it comes to accessibility and user experience. I found my way into DALL-E 3’s vibrant visuals through familiar channels like ChatGPT and Microsoft Designer Image Creator—a seamless dive into OpenAI’s rich ecosystem that makes generating those stunning images feel like a walk in the park.

Midjourney, on the other hand, asks for a bit more. Venturing through Discord with command prompts to coax images out of mere words feels like stepping onto a path less traveled—a journey that occasionally stumbles when an AI art prompt goes astray.

These platforms weave together technology and creativity in ways that are profoundly human at their core.

Key Features of DALL-E

DALL-E brings creativity to your fingertips, transforming your words and descriptions into stunning visuals.

DALL-E pros and cons

Pros of DALL-E

I’ve spent a good amount of time exploring DALL-E 3, and I’m here to share why it’s my go-to for AI-generated images. This tool has made a big splash in the best AI image generator pool, and for many good reasons. Let’s dive into some of the features that set DALL-E 3 apart from the rest. 

  • The web-based user interface is highly intuitive and easy to use.
  • The sign-up process on the website is easy to follow.
  • There is a light learning curve for beginners, meaning it’s easy for practically anyone to use.
  • It offers direct access via the web.

Cons of DALL-E

Now, let’s look at some of the drawbacks of using DALL-E. As an AI enthusiast, it’s critical to weigh up these aspects.

  • Occasionally misses details in prompts: Sometimes, DALL-E 3 doesn’t catch every element you ask for. This can be frustrating if you’re aiming for a very specific image.
  • Awkward usage: The process isn’t always smooth sailing. Navigating through its features can feel clunky at times, which might slow you down.
  • Limited control over edits: Once you get an image from DALL-E 3, tweaking it to your exact needs isn’t straightforward. You’ll often find yourself prompting ChatGPT for a new creation rather than having direct editing tools at your disposal. 
  • Pricing could be better: At $20/month as part of the ChatGPT Plus package, or free with some Microsoft tools, this price tag may not fit everyone’s budget or expectations for value.
  • Commercial use limitations: Yes, you can use DALL-E 3 commercially, but tread carefully. Legal protections for these AI-generated images are still uncharted territory.

Key Features of Midjourney

Midjourney stands out with its ability to bring artistic visions to life, turning simple text prompts into stunning visuals.

Midjourney pros and cons

Pros of Midjourney

I found myself intrigued by its features, especially by its significant impact on AI image generation.

  • App integrations: First up, the seamless app integrations are a game-changer. Picture this: You’re using Salesforce, Slack, or perhaps Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Midjourney plays nice with all of them, making it easy to incorporate AI-driven images into your workflow.
  • Flexible workflows meet security: Flexibility and security aren’t just buzzwords. They’re the real deal. Whether you’re juggling marketing campaigns, managing customer support tickets, or steering the sales pipeline, Midjourney adapts and secures your creative process. It means less worrying about data leaks and more focus on creativity.
  • Revenue operations (RevOps) revolutionized: The RevOps team at Midjourney is harnessing AI in ways that make lead management feel like less of a chore and more like a finely-tuned symphony. Automation here doesn’t mean being impersonal. It means being effective and efficient making sure your sales funnel is smooth.
  • A resource haven: Stumbling upon their resources felt like hitting the jackpot. With a mix of customer stories that inspire and guides that educate, I was never left in the dark. Their events and webinars not only broaden your horizons but also knit closely with Zapier Learn, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve in utilizing AI for art generation.
  • Developer-friendly environment: Lastly, for those who love to tinker under the hood, Midjourney has got your back. The developer platform breathes life into custom integrations, while their integration partner program fosters a community where innovation thrives.

Cons of Midjourney

Here’s what I’ve discovered about the hurdles you might face with Midjourney:

  • Occasionally misses key details: Despite trying out different Midjourney prompts, sometimes the AI skips over critical parts of my requests. This means the images it generates don’t always match what I had in mind, which can be quite frustrating when you’re chasing a specific vision.
  • Awkward user experience: Compared to DALL-E 3, getting around Midjourney isn’t so streamlined. The interface is less intuitive, which means I spend more time than I’d like just figuring out how to do basic stuff.
  • Basic Plan limitations: Starting at $10/month for 200 minutes of graphic processing unit (GPU) time might sound good on paper. However, once you dive deep into creating with Midjourney and DALL-E side-by-side comparisons or are on a creative spree, those minutes vanish faster than you’d expect.

Comparative Analysis: DALL-E vs. Midjourney

Diving into DALL-E vs. Midjourney, we find ourselves at the heart of a fascinating showdown in image comparison. Each AI tool brings its own unique flair when you need to create an image.

Ease of implementation

Getting started with tools like DALL-E and Midjourney can feel like quite an adventure.

That’s why I’ve taken a deep dive into the ease of implementation for both, and here’s what I found:

Ease of implementation

Given these insights, it’s clear that using AI such as DALL-E strikes a chord with those craving simplicity and a more intuitive interface. With its web-based platform, getting started in creating images from textual descriptions is nearly as simple as signing up and diving in.

Midjourney, while unique in its approach by leveraging Discord, might pose a bit of a challenge for users not already familiar with Discord’s ecosystem. This doesn’t mean one is better than the other. Instead, it’s about finding which platform aligns best with your level of tech comfort and how you like to work.

Image quality

Talking about image quality when comparing DALL-E 3 and Midjourney is mandatory. These AI giants showcase their prowess through the diffusion process, trained on massive datasets of text-image pairs.

Let’s see how they stack up in terms of the visuals they generate:

Image quality

Both DALL-E 3 and Midjourney impress with their image quality, yet each shines in its own niche. DALL-E 3 leans toward exceptional clarity and lifelike colors, appealing to those needing realism. Midjourney, on the other hand, tends to thrill with its artistic flair and unique interpretations.


Moving on from the nuances of image quality, let’s explore an aspect that often tips the scales for many users—pricing. Both DALL-E and Midjourney come with their own pricing structures, tailored to meet the needs of varying users.

Here’s how they stack up:

ServicePlanMonthly costInclusions
DALL-EAs part of ChatGPT Plus, Team, and Enterprise plans$20/month, $25/month, or a custom priceAccess to DALL-E 3, other Microsoft tools
DALL-E in Microsoft DesignerFree with Microsoft Designer (formerly Bing Image Creator)FreeLimited access to DALL-E 3 features
MidjourneyBasic Plan$10/month200 minutes of GPU time

It becomes evident that both platforms are striving to accommodate a broad audience. DALL-E’s integration with ChatGPT paid plans offers a comprehensive package, especially for those already invested in the Microsoft ecosystem

Developers can access DALL-E through the OpenAI API, as payment is credit-based. On the flip side, the availability of DALL-E for free with certain tools introduces a highly accessible entry point for newcomers. Meanwhile, Midjourney’s Basic Plan presents a cost-effective solution at $10 a month, offering 200 minutes of GPU time, which could be the perfect fit for users with moderate needs.

Commercial use

Commercial use of AI image generators like DALL-E and Midjourney is on the rise. These tools are not just for creating cool images. Businesses use them to create marketing materials, design products, and even generate new ideas. With Zapier’s automation, companies can easily combine these AI art generators with over 6,000 apps including big names like Salesforce and Marketo.

This means small startups to large enterprises can automate their creative processes, saving time and money. Zapier targets a wide range of businesses wanting to harness the power of DALL-E 2 or Midjourney for commercial purposes.

Imagine automating your social media posts or quickly generating visuals for your next email campaign—all without needing a designer on hand 24/7. The potential applications in industries such as advertising, product development, and content marketing and creation are huge. By integrating these AI tools into everyday tasks through platforms like Zapier, businesses unlock their creativity while boosting efficiency.

Don’t miss out on my thought-provoking article about AI art vs human art, where creativity meets technology.

Community support

After tackling the commercial use angles of DALL-E and Midjourney, it’s vital to talk about how each platform supports its users. DALL-E boasts a growing community where creators share tips and tricks. This helps newbies get up to speed fast. Users often post their creations, sparking inspiration among peers.

Midjourney, on the other hand, shines with its dedicated support channels. These are gold for troubleshooting and creative ideas. The team behind it ensures users don’t feel left in the dark—whether they’re dealing with technical issues or seeking advice on making the most out of their tool.

Use Cases of DALL-E and Midjourney

I’ve been diving deep into how DALL-E and Midjourney can really shake things up, especially for those of us who love pushing the boundaries of creativity with AI. Let’s talk about some cool ways we can use these tools.

For starters, DALL-E is perfect for automating image creation in response to specific triggers. Imagine getting a custom image every time someone fills out your Google Form or when a new record pops up in Airtable—that’s DALL-E working its magic through automation with Zapier.

DALL-E AI images
Image source: DALL-E

Switching gears to Midjourney, this powerhouse gives you more control over the reins. If you enjoy fine-tuning details until everything is just right, you’ll appreciate Midjourney’s extensive editing tools and parameters.

Midjourney AI images
Image source: Midjourney

It means not only creating unique images but also adjusting them down to the last pixel until they match your vision perfectly. This level of detail is fantastic for projects where brand identity or artistic direction play a key role. Think bespoke illustrations for book covers or detailed concept art that brings your wildest ideas to life.

Plus, both platforms allow commercial use, which is great news if you’re looking to monetize your creations while navigating the tricky waters of AI-generated content legality.

Alternatives to DALL-E and Midjourney

Exploring other options for generating images with AI is exciting.

Here are some noteworthy alternatives to DALL-E and Midjourney that might catch your interest:

  • Stable Diffusion: This tool stands out for its flexibility and the power it gives users to create highly detailed images from text descriptions. What’s great about Stable Diffusion is that it’s open-source. This means anyone can use it, tweak it, or even integrate it into their projects without a hefty price tag.
  • Artbreeder: Imagine mixing the genes of different artworks to create something entirely new. That’s Artbreeder. It uses a technique called “genetic algorithms” to blend images together, allowing for endless creativity in designing characters, landscapes, and more.
  • Deep Dream Generator: Initially created by Google engineers as an experiment, Deep Dream transforms your photos into surreal artworks. It’s known for producing images that have a dream-like, psychedelic quality.
  • RunwayML: RunwayML offers a wide range of tools powered by machine learning for video creation, photo editing, and more. Its user-friendly interface makes complex tasks simpler for creators.
  • Wombo Dream: Wombo Dream makes creating fantastical art as easy as typing in a prompt. Known for its vibrant colors and whimsical styles, this AI app has gained popularity on social media for turning simple ideas into eye-catching illustrations.
  • StarGAN v2: StarGAN v2 excels at face-swapping and style transfer tasks. Whether it’s changing hairstyles in photos or transforming facial expressions, this tool uses advanced algorithms to seamlessly alter images while maintaining realism.

What the Experts Think

In the evolving landscape of AI-generated artwork, we sought insights from founders and CMOs to understand how DALL-E and Midjourney fare in fostering diversity. From Midjourney’s commitment to iterative inclusivity to DALL-E’s public bias mitigation efforts, discover the distinct approaches of these platforms through the lens of four experienced professionals.

“Midjourney allows for more iterative guidance during image generation. With DALL-E, you enter a text prompt and get back a fixed result. But with Midjourney, I can provide feedback and tweaks to steer the image in a more inclusive direction. This makes it easier to avoid harmful stereotypes or represent marginalized groups respectfully. Midjourney’s training data seems more diverse overall. DALL-E still struggles with some groups. [Also], Midjourney’s community is more focused on using AI art ethically. Groups like the Midjourney Trust & Safety team provide guidance on avoiding AI biases and generating art responsibly.” Chris Riley, Founder, Cuppa AI

“I’ve found that DALL-E and Midjourney take quite different approaches when it comes to supporting diversity in the artwork they generate. DALL-E was trained on a huge dataset of images from across the internet, so it has a very broad range of styles, subjects, and themes it can draw from. However, because the training data likely reflects the biases and lack of diversity on the internet itself, DALL-E may struggle to generate certain types of diverse and inclusive art. Midjourney was trained using Constitutional AI to value diversity, empathy, and inclusiveness. The team also worked hard to include art from many cultures and ethnicities in its training data. As a result, Midjourney is much more capable of generating art that features underrepresented groups or explores themes of social justice.” Noel Griffith, CMO, SupplyGem

“OpenAI has publicly discussed its efforts to mitigate biases in DALL-E’s training data and outputs, attempting to make the AI’s creations more inclusive and diverse. These efforts include adjusting the dataset and modifying the model’s behavior to reduce the reproduction of societal biases. In my opinion, Midjourney’s approach to bias mitigation hasn’t been as publicly detailed, which could affect its effectiveness in generating diverse images. Users looking for an AI that actively addresses diversity might lean towards DALL-E due to these transparency efforts.” Phil Strazzulla, Founder, SelectSoftware Reviews

“My analysis indicates that DALL-E’s algorithm is highly versatile and capable of producing a wide variety of images across different genres, styles, and themes. This versatility supports the creation of diverse artwork. Midjourney, while also capable of generating a broad range of images, might have different strengths, particularly in the style and aesthetic quality of the outputs. Artists and creators interested in diversity might experiment with both platforms to see which better suits their needs for specific projects.” Chad Sultana, Founder, Chad Sultana


Diving into the world of DALL-E and Midjourney reveals a fascinating showdown. Each offers distinct advantages, shaping our grasp of AI’s creative power. From key features to ease of use, both generators shine in unique ways.

Whether you lean towards DALL-E’s accessibility or Midjourney’s depth of control, the journey through AI-generated imagery promises an endless canvas for exploration and creation. Let your imagination run wild with these tools at your fingertips.

Interested in AI photo editing? Read my in-depth Luminar AI review.


What’s the difference between DALL-E and Midjourney?

Both DALL-E and Midjourney are powerful AI image generators. However, they have their own unique strengths. While DALL-E excels at creating images from text descriptions with stunning accuracy, Midjourney shines in generating highly artistic and abstract visuals.

Can I use Midjourney to create images just like I do with DALL-E?

Both tools let you turn text into images. The process is similar: you provide a prompt, and the AI works its magic. Whether you choose Midjourney or DALL-E depends on your creative needs. However, be aware that DALL-E blocks users from creating images of public figures.

Are there any notable differences in quality between images generated by DALL-E vs those by Midjourney?

Image quality can be subjective. It really depends on what you’re looking for. If your goal is realism and precision, then DALL-E might be your go-to. For something more expressive or avant-garde, give Midjourney a try.

Which one should I use for my project: Midjourney or DALL-E?

Think about who your audience is. What vibe are you going for? If it’s hyper-realistic images that tell a story exactly as you imagine, then lean toward using DALL-E. On the flip side, if it’s about pushing boundaries and exploring creative realms, consider using Midjourney.

Which generator, DALL-E or Midjourney, offers better support for creators wanting diversity in their artwork?

The competition gets fierce here, but each has its merits. While DALL-E might surprise you with details you never thought possible, Midjourney invites you into a world of endless possibilities with its broad canvas. It comes down to experimenting with each tool to see which aligns with your vision for diversity and uniqueness in artwork.

Article by

Nikola Baldikov

Nikola Baldikov is an SEO magician with a passion for helping companies succeed in their online efforts. He is a founder of Inbound Blogging, where he specializes in SaaS marketing, SEO, and outreach strategies. In addition to his work, he is an avid football fan and loves to dance.

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