Hoppy Copy Review: Unleashing the Power of Persuasive Words Through AI Email Copywriting

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Crafting the perfect email can definitely be a challenge. The good news is that your struggle is over, thanks to Hoppy Copy—a sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) tool boasting over 60 AI templates specifically designed for marketing emails.

This Hoppy Copy review is about to show you how it simplifies crafting persuasive emails. It might just be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

Hoppy Copy Review 2024 [Key Takeaways]

  • Hoppy Copy AI uses artificial intelligence to help you generate copy for marketing emails quickly. It has over 60 templates for different email types.
  • The beauty of this tool includes features such as grammar checks, suggesting better words, and making sure emails don’t go to spam. It also lets teams work on projects together easily.
  • Hoppy Copy offers three pricing plans: Starter at $23 a month, Pro at $39, and Pro Plus at $79 when billed annually. Each plan has different features for creating powerful email campaigns.
  • While Hoppy Copy saves time and makes writing easier, sometimes it might get the tone wrong or be too expensive for small businesses.
  • Overall, Hoppy Copy offers good value for money as it helps with emails, social media posts, and more.

Core Features of Hoppy Copy AI

Hoppy Copy AI features tools that make writing easy. It’s all about crafting emails with a high return on investment at $44 for every $1 spent. It’s also about tweaking words for better impact and putting together newsletters and social media posts that people want to read.

AI Email Copywriter

AI Email Copywriter

You can use the AI Email Copywriter to craft email blasts, drip campaigns, and newsletters. This tool makes it easy to produce high-quality content for your email marketing efforts. It comes with over 12 sequence templates that help you create compelling email sequences in minutes.

The powerful aspect of the AI Email Copywriter is its ability to generate engaging social media posts, brief articles, and educational emails alongside traditional marketing content. By feeding it with a bit of information about your goals, you get back dozens of options for high-converting emails without spending hours on writing and editing.

AI Copy Booster

AI Copy Booster

The AI Copy Booster is a marketer’s go-to for polishing emails. It checks grammar, offers headlines, and suggests format changes. This tool also helps avoid spam triggers, making sure your messages hit inboxes. Plus, it’s great for team projects as everyone can work on the AI content marketing tool together.

What’s more, you have the instant ability to rewrite sections, change tone as desired, and even include persuasive calls-to-action (CTAs) for the perfect document. All this is available in over 35 languages that are supported by the tool, showcasing the breadth of Hoppy Copy features.

AI Newsletter Creator

AI Newsletter Creator

Something else I found amazing is the tool’s ability to generate newsletters. Hoppy Copy AI shines as a newsletter wizard as it grabs leads like magic by crafting engaging image-rich content. It takes all the stress and guesswork out of creating your next newsletter.

Simply provide the tool with some basics about your email marketing goals, and in seconds you get a draft ready for fine-tuning. The available email AI templates simplify the process further. With its ability to quickly generate topics and sections, it can save you hours in the ideation process. Turn your weekly newsletter into something people actually want to read. No more junk mail folder doom for your messages. With this tool, you’ll keep your audience hooked and looking forward to each new send-out.

User Experience and Interface

Using Hoppy Copy AI feels easy. The intuitive layout lets you generate emails with no fuss.

Here’s a brief look at what I learned about using the dashboard and maximizing the use of its features:

  • Dashboard overview: Upon logging in, the dashboard reveals a summary of recent activities and a quick route to creating email campaigns, newsletters, and sequences. This main hub propels you straight into work.
  • Email campaign creation: Clicking the “Create New” button brings you to the stage of developing influential emails utilizing generative AI. There’s an array of templates to pick from, or you can begin from square one.
  • Adjusting preferences: Within the settings module, modifying preferences is seamless. Here, you manage your profile, set your writing style, and categorize your audience for more personalized content production.
  • Utilizing the email copywriter: This tool eases the process of writing persuasive emails by providing structure and cues. Simply input some details about your campaign goal, and it suggests captivating content.
  • Refining with the copy editor: If you need to adjust your drafts, the copy editor helps refine your emails by suggesting upgrades in clarity, tone, and engagement.
  • Newsletter creation: Developing newsletters is simple with specialized templates intended for various themes and occasions. Fill them with content blocks for text, images, and call-to-action buttons.
  • Managing team members: If you’re collaborating in a team, adding members and assigning roles is effortless under the “Team” section. Everyone can contribute to projects smoothly.
  • Tracking email performance: Once you dispatch campaigns or newsletters, measuring their performance is crucial. The “Analytics” tab offers detailed reports on open rates, clicks, and conversions.

After acquainting yourself with these basic features, generating high-impact emails becomes familiar quite quickly.

Creating and Editing Emails With Hoppy Copy

Creating and Editing Emails With Hoppy Copy

Hoppy Copy also emerged as a standout for developing convincing and captivating email content. Here’s how:

  1. Begin by choosing the type of email sequence you aim to create, centering on your product launch. Hoppy Copy AI assists you in opting for the right model, regardless of whether it’s for welcome emails or a more exhaustive marketing approach.
  2. Subsequently, provide the tool with your product specifics. The AI nudges you to append descriptions, benefits, and crucial aspects that underscore the uniqueness of your offer.
  3. Tone selection is pivotal. Hoppy Copy offers a choice of tones such as friendly, professional, or urgent. This guarantees your emails will strike a chord with the target audience.
  4. Incorporating sections is uncomplicated and efficient for structuring your message. You can integrate headers, footers, and calls to action as necessary.
  5. By leveraging the sophisticated editing tools available, modifying content is easy. If something seems off, you can employ the AI rewrite function for more appropriate phrasing.
  6. In an effort to prevent emails from ending up in spam folders, Hoppy Copy performs spam checks. It identifies phrases that might instigate spam filters, allowing you to substitute them.
  7. Constructing email sequences is also uninterrupted. Hoppy Copy fabricates persuasive copy that escorts recipients across each stage of your campaign.

Each step aims to guarantee your emails are not just well-written but are also effective in actualizing their marketing objectives.

Pricing Plans

Hoppy Copy AI comes with clear price options. Every plan is available for seven days without charge.

PlanCost (annual billing)FeaturesIdeal for
Starter$23/monthUnlimited brand voices and assets, 20 AI image generations/month, and AI-assisted email compositionBeginners or small businesses starting with AI-assisted email strategies
Pro$39/monthUnlimited word counts, advanced features for professional email craftingMarketers looking to enhance email campaign effectiveness
Pro+$79/monthMost advanced features, unlimited word counts, monitor 50 competitors, and email up to 10,000 subscribersProfessionals aiming for high-converting emails and comprehensive marketing strategies

Pros and Cons of Hoppy Copy AI

Pros and Cons of Hoppy Copy AI

Hoppy Copy AI has its highs and lows, like any tool. On the plus side, it makes writing faster and smarter. But sometimes, it might not get your tone just right. Read on to see how this mix plays out for users.


Hoppy Copy AI is a superior tool for overcoming writer’s block and streamlining email creation. With AI-generated content, it’s as if you have a personal assistant who knows exactly what to say.

  • Addresses writer’s block: The tool gives you the momentum you need when feeling stagnant, supplying unique ideas for email content.
  • Makes email creation easier: With its AI-powered engine, crafting persuasive emails becomes simple.
  • Creates imaginative content: The AI generates innovative concepts that make your emails unique.
  • User-friendly interface: Getting the hang of the platform is effortless, making it approachable even for novices.
  • Wide range of templates: It offers a diverse array of templates, which assist in creating various types of emails for different requirements.
  • Time-efficient: By automating a portion of the writing process, you can concentrate on other tasks, improving your workflow efficiency.
  • Boosts engagement: The compelling copy it creates will help you improve your email open rates.
  • Specific solutions: It modifies its suggestions based on the distinct requirements of your projects, offering personalized guidance.

These characteristics make Hoppy Copy AI a valuable component in your collection of AI tools for efficient copywriting and for improving your marketing strategy.


Let’s examine the limitations of Hoppy Copy AI:

  • It sometimes flags potential spam triggers. This can limit the effectiveness of email campaigns.
  • The AI lacks industry-specific adaptability, but users can still benefit from a 7-day free trial to assess its impact. Users may find it hard to tailor content for niche markets.
  • A missing human touch means emails might lack personalization—key to engaging customers.
  • Creating unique campaign ideas without human input becomes challenging, as AI might not capture the brand voice accurately.
  • The advanced pricing plan is quite high, making it less accessible for small business owners on a budget.
  • The free trial lasts only seven days, offering limited time to explore all features and benefits thoroughly.
  • Adaptation to advanced AI technology requires a learning curve that may deter some users from utilizing Hoppy Copy fully.

Despite these limitations, Hoppy Copy’s AI copywriting tool offers valuable assistance in generating marketing copy and optimizing email marketing needs for various businesses.

Practical Applications of Hoppy Copy AI

Hoppy Copy AI shines in making your emails and social media posts grab attention. 

Email campaigns

You can utilize Hoppy Copy for constructing email campaigns that truly resonate with your audience. This process involves more than simply drafting; it’s about forging meaningful connections.

With this AI instrument, you have the capacity to track up to 50 brands’ emails to identify the most successful strategies. Consequently, your emails will continually improve. You also steer clear of spam filters because Hoppy Copy identifies words that might activate them.

The assembly of email sequences is efficient. You can select from a list of more than 12 templates and have a sequence prepared in mere minutes. Be it welcome emails or sales promotions, they’re customized and result-bearing.

Each word contributes to captivating the readers and stimulating action—no unnecessary content, only potent copy structured for outcome in every dispatch.

Social media content creation

After mastering email campaigns, you can turn your focus to social media content creation, another area where Hoppy Copy AI shines. It crafts high-quality posts that grab attention on platforms like Facebook. The tool generates content not just for posts but also for ads and website copy, making it a one-stop solution.

For every Facebook ad or website update, Hoppy Copy offers countless ideas. This AI-powered tool ensures your messages stand out in crowded feeds and search results. With it, generating captivating posts becomes effortless, leaving you more time to engage with followers directly.

And if you’re looking for a Hoppy Copy partner through verification, why not take a look at this list of the top email verification tools?

Comparison With Competitors

When I compare Hoppy Copy AI to others, I see it stands out for its unique features and pricing. It’s like looking at different cars. Some might be faster or have more gadgets, but Hoppy Copy seems to hit the sweet spot for marketers who write emails and want a bit of AI magic without breaking the bank.

Exploring the competitive landscape, I noted how each of the AI copywriting tools below compares to Hoppy Copy.

The emphasis is on features and pricing. So, here’s my summary:

ToolCore FeaturesAnnual Pricing
Hoppy Copy AIAI Email Copywriter, AI Copy Editor, AI Newsletter Creator$23 – $79
Hypotenuse.aiAutomated content creation for blogs, ads, and product descriptionsStarts at $19
MailChimpEmail campaigns, marketing automation, and audience managementFree (Basic) to $350 (Premium)
Campaign MonitorEmail marketing, automation, personalization$12–$159

I selected these tools for comparison because of their popularity among AI enthusiasts and marketers. Each tool has unique features aimed at improving copywriting tasks. Hoppy Copy AI, for example, is particularly strong in email copy, editing, and newsletter creation, making it ideal for email marketers. Hypotenuse.ai is good at bulk product descriptions, blog posts, and even AI image generation.

In terms of pricing, Hoppy Copy AI’s range from $23 to $79 per month, with annual billing provides options based on user requirements. This is comparable to Campaign Monitor’s starting price but generally more affordable than MailChimp’s higher-priced plans.

Overall, Hoppy Copy AI is an effective tool for specific copywriting activities, especially for those focusing on email marketing. The pricing offers a good compromise between cost and advanced features, which is crucial for decision-making.

Hoppy Copy Reviews

How has using Hoppy Copy impacted professional email marketing campaigns?

Seeking insights on improvements in engagement, ROI, and overall efficiency, I spoke with several industry professionals about how AI-generated email content compares with manually crafted emails in terms of effectiveness and customer response. Here is what they had to say:

“The AI’s ability to produce high-quality, engaging content has drastically improved our campaign metrics. We experienced a 35% increase in open rates and a 28% rise in click-through rates, leading to better ROI. The overall efficiency has also improved, allowing us to execute more campaigns in less time. A personal highlight was a recent product launch email campaign. The AI-generated emails captured our brand’s essence and resonated deeply with our audience, resulting in a 50% increase in customer response compared to our previous manually crafted campaigns.” Christopher Pappas, Founder, eLearning Industry Inc

“AI-generated email content created with tools like Hoppy Copy holds up remarkably well compared to manually crafted emails. One of the key advantages is the consistency and speed with which AI can produce high-quality content. While manual emails often benefit from a personal touch, AI-generated emails can be tailored using vast amounts of data, resulting in content that’s highly relevant to the recipient. This relevance has translated into improved customer response rates and higher engagement. However, it’s important to maintain a balance by periodically reviewing and customizing AI outputs to ensure they align perfectly with our brand voice and messaging strategy. ” Iva Prevalova, Marketing Director, Adverity

“If you’re a marketer looking to work some AI magic into your email strategy, definitely think about trying out Hoppy Copy. It’s great for handling scheduling and drafting initial emails, but remember to add your personal touch to make them resonate with your brand’s unique voice. Also, keeping an eye on how these AI-driven emails perform and changing your technique as needed can really improve your results. Using AI tools like Hoppy Copy can turn around your email marketing and give you a serious edge.” James Parsons, Founder and CEO, Content Powered

“Using Hoppy Copy’s AI, you can generate diverse variations of email copy designed to evoke distinct emotions. Conduct A/B tests to determine which emotional tone resonates best with your audience. This approach allows you to optimize engagement and improve response rates effectively. By experimenting with various emotional appeals, you can refine your messaging strategy to better connect with and influence your subscribers, enhancing the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.” Jeremy Bogdanowicz, Founder and CEO, JTB Studios

“For us, Hoppy Copy works best as a source of inspiration. I’m incredibly particular about the copy we put out, after some negative experiences with early versions of ChatGPT, so anything it produces for us will ultimately serve as a first draft for our team to review, riff on, and expand. It’s quite good at picking up new keywords in the industry and adapting our existing pitches to fit new niches, though. It really brings something to the table in terms of research and brainstorming in a way that I didn’t expect.” —  Nick Valentino, VP of Market Operations, Bellhop


Hoppy Copy AI will change how you write emails. This tool lets marketers create powerful, engaging email content in minutes. With its easy-to-use interface and smart features like a spam checker and AI chat, it’s clear why so many professionals love it.

It also offers a range of plans that fit different needs and budgets. Ultimately, Hoppy Copy AI is a game-changer for anyone looking to improve their email campaigns with less effort. It’s hailed as the best AI for this purpose.


How does Hoppy Copy work?

Hoppy Copy uses formulas to generate captivating ad copy, create high-converting emails, and even optimize your email sequences for effective campaigns.

Can I try out Hoppy Copy before committing?

Yes, you can use the seven-day free trial offered by Hoppy Copy to explore its features and see how this AI writing tool can benefit your business. It requires no credit card at sign-up and also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee in case you are not completely satisfied.

Article by

Nikola Baldikov

Nikola Baldikov is an SEO magician with a passion for helping companies succeed in their online efforts. He is a founder of Inbound Blogging, where he specializes in SaaS marketing, SEO, and outreach strategies. In addition to his work, he is an avid football fan and loves to dance.

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