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Work with me…

If you have a website and want to grow your organic traffic or learn the magic of how search engines’ algorithms actually work, you can hire me as an SEO expert.

I have 7 years of experience and have worked with SemRush, SiteGround, Brosix, ScreenRec and StreamingVideoProvider.

You can read more about me here.

What I offer:

SEO consultation:seo report

You can take full advantage of my experience and hire me as a consultant for your project. We can brainstorm your SEO strategy, content creation, on-page and off-page optimization, discuss angles that you need to improve to start growing your organic traffic and everything else you need to know related to SEO and my expertise. 

On-page auditanalytic1

I can create a custom audit for your website and give you targeted recommendations about what needs to be fixed in order to improve your site health and crawling budget. You will receive recommendations for things like crawlability, Page Not Found issues, canonicalization, broken image links, website load speed, schema markup, international SEO and more.

Website Architecturearchitecture

If you have a new website or you plan to start a website and you need to create the correct site infrastructure, this is an area I can help you with. Equally, I can help you to improve your existing site structure if you already have a website. From correct URL structure, to having dedicated pages for each core keyword that you want to rank for in Google. Are these pages well-integrated with your internal link structure?

Keyword Research and Content Strategy:password

Based on my experience I’d definitely say that the biggest mistake bloggers and content creators make is writing about topics that they think are good, but without the numbers to confirm that assumption.

That’s exactly why I create content strategies based on keyword research from scratch. The idea is to identify keywords that people are actually searching for, not only with high search potential, but also with high business potential. Additionally I’ll analyze the search intent and evaluate the difficulty of ranking for these terms and the optimum length for your new content.

Creating SEO-friendly contentweb page

If you want to become an expert in your niche, based on keyword strategy, my team and I will create SEO-friendly content that targets keywords with high business potential, solves searcher intent and that is easy to read not only for search engine bots, but also for people. Furthermore we will add internal links to your existing posts and give recommendations to make your old posts rank higher, faster.

Content Audit:audit

I’ll review your existing content and give you a plan of action in order to rank among the top performing websites in your niche. This includes Identifying better keywords to target, recommendations on how to improve your content and internal link building strategy. Last but not least, I’ll provide a solution if I find cannibalization among your pages, which is a widespread issue I’ve noticed.

Personalized link building outreach link building

Even with the best content you’ll still struggle to rank on competitive keywords, without the right backlinks. That’s exactly why my team and I offer personalized link building outreach, based on predefined criteria such as website traffic, domain traffic etc. 

Most link building activities are now outreach based. This requires a lot of time finding relevant prospects, creating relevant linkbait content & pitching them for links. If you need some assistance with this time consuming work, and would like to save yourself some stress, please contact us and we’ll take care of it for you.

Journalists Approachnews

My team and I can take responsibility for responding to journalists and website owners’ queries on your behalf. That way you can build high-quality backlinks for your website and improve your personal brand as a niche expert. This is one of the best ways to build links from high authority media outlets. We use platforms such as HARO and Terkel to approach journalists.  

If you want your website to appear in the coveted first position, without paying for ads, contact me and we’ll help you get there. We have the expertise!

If you want to follow the best SEO practices and “run with the big dogs”, you can contact me on the form below!